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  Home » Breads » Biscuits
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  Category: Breads  
  By:  Administrator  
  Date Posted: Nov. 1, 2011
  Hits: 2,061
  Rating:  (3.1) votes 59
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2 cups (475 ml) all purpose flour
2-1/2 tsp (12.5 ml) baking powder
1/2 tsp (2 ml) salt
1/3 cup (80 ml) Crisco
3/4 cup (175 ml) milk
Sift flour, baking powder and salt into bowl.
Cut in crisco with fork until mixture resembles corn meal.
Add milk and blend lightly with fork only until flour is moistened and dough pulls away from bowl.
Turn on lightly floured board and knead lightly (30 sec.) and roll 3/4 " thick.
With biscuit cutter cut out biscuits and place on lightly greased pan.
Brush tops with melted butter and bake at 375 degrees (200 C.) for 12-15 minutes.
Who wants to go through a big deal in the morning? Well this is quite simple. You can mix batter the night before and refrigerate to roll out in the AM if you like.
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