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  Home » Drinks » Nescafe Granita
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  Nescafe Granita
  Category: Drinks  
  By:  Administrator  
  Date Posted: Nov. 1, 2011
  Hits: 1,590
  Rating:  (3.0) votes 8
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1-1/2 cups water
1 cup sugar to taste
2 tbsps. NESCAFE, dissolved in
3/4 cup water, very hot
1 170 g. can NESTLE Cream, chilled
1. Stir water and sugar in a medium saucepan over medium heat until sugar dissolves and syrup boils. Cool syrup; stir in NESCAFE. Pour mixture into medium-size metal bowl.
Freeze until ice crystals are formed, about three hours.

2. Using fork, scrape ice to form flakes. Return to freezer and keep frozen until ready to serve.

3. Pile coffee granita into stemmed glasses. Top with generous amount of NESTLE Cream.
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